
Compliments & Complaints

At Dawson Insurance Brokers Ltd we pride ourselves in providing Financial Advice for Insurance Products to our Clients in accordance with the Standards of the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services for Ethical Behaviour, Conduct and Client Care. Your feedback is important to us, so whether you’d like to give us a compliment or have a complaint, we’d love to hear from you.
For a compliment

It’s always nice to hear a compliment first hand, so, if we’ve done a particularly great job either tell your Dawson Insurance Brokers Ltd contact directly or send us an email to brokers@dawson.co.nz.

For a complaint

You can make a complaint with our team by either calling us, using our online form or writing to us. We will review your feedback then work with you to find a solution.

Call Us

Speak to our team on 0800 32 00 32
Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm

Use our online form

Make a complaint by using our online complaint form. Lodge a complaint online by clicking here.

Write to Us

Send your complaint by email or mail to
Email – brokers@dawson.co.nz
Mail – P O Box 949, Rotorua, 3040

After you lodge a complaint

Once you’ve lodged a complaint:

  • However you choose to contact us we will acknowledge your complaint and you will receive our Internal Complaints Process within 2 working days.
  • We will contact you for more information.
  • We will approach all complaints with an open mind, listen and treat each complainant as an individual and with courtesy and respect.
  • We will try to resolve your complaint quickly.
  • You will receive a written decision, remedies and resolution as soon as practicable.

What should I do if I’m not satisfied after making a complaint?

If you feel your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can contact Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL) – A Financial Ombudsman Service, a dispute resolution scheme who we are a member of . This service will cost you nothing and is an independent service that will help investigate or resolve the complaint. You can click on this link to find out how to make a complaint to FSCL.




You can also contact FSCL at:

P O Box 5967, Wellington, 6145
0800 347 257


Client Service Statement

To provide suitable Financial Advice for Insurance Products for our Clients in accordance with the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services for Ethical Behaviour, Conduct and Client Care. We will strive to give you the right solutions and support that you need.
We will always treat you respectfully and provide professional, prompt and friendly service while also considering your views, concerns and preferences.
We will build a relationship with you based on trust and integrity while doing what is best for you at all times.
Once we have got to know you and your specific requirements, we will focus our efforts on seeking products or services that meet your needs and explain to you why we recommend any product or service.
Our communication will be clear and concise, and it will outline our discussions and agreements.
We will protect the information you give us, and only use it for the reasons it was collected.

Choose Dawson

(07) 348 0479


Level One
Lakesyde Business Centre
1182 Whakaue Street

161 Commerce Street

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